State Trooper with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol
Brian Leventhal has spent the past 20 years in public service as a law enforcement officer in North Carolina. For the last 14 years, Brian has served as a State Trooper with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. In 2013, Brian transferred to the Highway Patrol’s Crash Reconstruction Unit. During this assignment, Brian received his Part 107 Remote Pilot license and helped to create the UAS program for the Highway Patrol with the focus of using unmanned aerial vehicles to map crash scenes, and provide disaster response. Brian frequently participates in the UAS community as a remote pilot, conference presenter and panelist, and a subject matter expert in program implementation and development of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Government and Public Safety Agencies, using UAV’s for Crash & Crime Scene Mapping, and Disaster Response using UAV’s. Brian used his passion for aviation and knowledge gained as a remote pilot to help him transition to his most recent assignment within the Highway Patrol’s Aircraft Operations Unit, where he is working to receive his helicopter rating. Brian looks forward to the future as he continues to blend his manned and unmanned aviation careers.
Currently Scheduled: Day 1 Session 2: Drones Save Lives