Director-DRONERESPONDERS Public Safety Alliance
Charles Werner is the retired Charlottesville fire chief and 46 year public safety veteran. After retirement, Charles worked with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management for 2 years as senior advisor/acting deputy state coordinator. Charles served in numerous leadership roles at the local, state, national levels on public safety initiatives including communications, interoperability, information sharing, broadband, FirstNet, GIS, IOTs and technology. Presently serves as Director-DRONERESPONDERS Public Safety Alliance, BOD – Airborne International Response Team, and appointed by Virginia Governor Northam to serve on the Secure & Resilient Commonwealth Panel and serve as Public Safety UAS Sub Panel Chair. Chief Werner is a FAA certificated Remote Pilot. Chief Werner also serves on the Virginia Center for Innovative Technologies Unmanned Systems Advisory Board.
Currently Scheduled: Day 1 Session 2: Drones Save Lives, Day 2 Session 2: Drone Jobs – Where’s the money?