AFS-300 UAS Division Representative at Federal Aviation Administration
With over 20+ years experience in the national and international Air Carrier, General Aviation, and Repair Station arenas, working with the EASA, CAAS, and other international aviation authorities, Dr. Ibarra, has been involved in the UAS and sUAS arena since 2014. Dr. Ibarra has provided, and continues to provide, leadership, advice, consult, and expert support for new and current UAS airworthiness programs to FAA leadership (UAS Coordination Group), especially in the arena of Urban Air Mobility/Advance Air Mobility, and is the Subject Matter Expert for UAS Operations in Towered Airports. Experience also includes the following: -Review, acceptance, and certification of aircraft maintenance, inspection, and quality control programs for Air Carrier and General Aviation operators. -The certification of aircraft, aircraft systems, and aircraft and engine repair stations. -The certification of agricultural operations, to include certification of UAS use in agricultural operations. -Worked with FAA committees in the creation and approval of UAS and sUAS regulatory guidance.
Currently Scheduled: Day 1 Session 4: Regulations (Commercial) Day 2 Session 4: Regulations (Public Safety)